Friday, May 13, 2016

Blog Stage 4

The Transgender Straw Broke the Camel’s Back: It’s Time to Declare Independence from Public Schools

This…..this is amazing. I have never realized how reading an opposing view could bring me so much joy. I never knew about this website, and my mind had been blown today. I shall now proceed to critique this commentary. Strap in y’all.

Here ye! Here ye!

“You may not have realized it yet, but the Obama administration just destroyed the traditional American public school.”

What an opening statement. I read that line, and then I pictured Obama as like a skinny Godzilla smashing up all the public schools. He DESTROYED our schools. Literally.

Then I think David gets really sad for a minute. (David French, the author of this post) Not sad like tears in his eyes kind of sad, but like when you’re 13 and you're just pissy/sad about everything. And you get really short with people, and act like everything that didn’t go your way is the end of the world.

He says, “That principal you love? He’s not in control of your school. The great school board you just elected? They’re puppets. The teacher your child bonds with? She doesn’t run her own classroom.”

I got sad too, cause then I realized he believed that it wasn’t that way before Obama issued this letter. He really believed that there was control in our public school systems and that the school board made the decisions that they made out of the goodness of their heart, and their love for our teachers. Oh poor David, it’s always been this way sweetums. Yes, always. You’re second grade teacher didn’t love you any more than she loved her recess cigarettes breaks.

His intended audience is clear, people who relate to this - “It’s time to create and sustain excellent, accessible, and fiercely independent alternatives to the government’s schools. If we don’t, we lose.” Religious folks who I guess are not cool with people being transgender??? As for his credibility, it's not like he doesn’t make good points and back them up. BUT they are super prejudice, and he is encouraging his readers to be discriminatory. I pray he doesn’t have children that ever want to question their sexual identity. Don’t worry kiddos, it’ll be okay. Come hang out with me if you get kicked out and need a place to crash where we won’t burn you on a cross or whatever they threaten to do to you if you don’t go to the camp where they beat you into submission. I don’t know how all that works, ANYWAYS…

I obviously don’t agree with the author. I am super excited about all this! And am super supportive of the transgender community, and I praise all efforts to help their be less prejudice and discriminatory acts against them.

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