Friday, February 12, 2016

Defense Secretary Ash Carter is looking to tech companies for help in attracting more women to the Pentagon. This podcast segment from 'All Things Considered' on the National Public Radio talks about just that..."Carter says the Pentagon will also help active-duty troops who want to delay having a family. The military will pay the cost of freezing sperm or eggs." Some say this will be hard to say if it will actually help in enticing more women to come into the force. But, it is a step in the right direction (in my opinion of course). He would also like to add 3,600 lactation rooms around the country for military women, and 12 weeks paid maternity leave (double what it is right now). "Here's why the Pentagon wants more women. They tend to score higher than men on aptitude tests and have fewer brushes with the law." Its true. When you have any group, whether that is the military or a banking company, or a class room, there are things missing when you are lopsided on your gender percentages. I am obviously not saying that men or women are better than one or the other, but there are just different things being brought to the table. We are wired slightly different, and those differences can add many helpful things. I think this article is worth reading because people need to be aware that there are still major differences for military women. Yes, it was very exciting that we were finally able to reach all ground combat positions. But, there are things like maternity leave that have been left aside. If we can pay closer attention to the needs of our protectors, it will only benefit us that much more. 

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